Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Chinese Vegetarian Festival

It's believed this festival originated in Phuket, Thailand, where it continues to be practiced each year. It made its mark during a time about 150-180 years ago when inhabitants of the island suffered an outbreak of what is thought to have been malaria. Members of a visiting opera company from China also fell ill; they had neglected to pay homage to the 9 emperor gods that month...

The Chinese visitors immediately set about appeasing the gods by performing sacred rituals and following a vegetarian diet for a month. The people recovered and there were enough converts to ensure this has become a yearly event. It is thought that by participating in this practice of pacifying the gods and abstaining from stimulants, then good health, good luck and peace of mind can be achieved. The ritual of some devottees ( called 'Ma Song' ), of becoming possessed by the gods, showcases extreme displays of self mortification. Because they are possessed by gods, they are believed to be immortal and to prove the strength of their belief, 'Ma Song' walk over hot coals, go up 'ladders' made of blades and pierce their bodies with a ( seemingly unlimited ) range of instruments. Our mate Tui ( see friends of LAM ) regaled us with a story about a 'Ma Song' that got carried away one year; instead of limiting himself to facial wounds, he pretty much committed ' hari kiri '. Supposedly, he did hold up longer than expected, but did eventually die.

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